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Multi-module testing

Multi module testing can be done by manually specifying additionalTestApks or applying the Fulladle plugin to automacally gather all the additional test apks. See also this article for a full setup and instructions including integration with CI.

Fulladle Plugin

  1. Apply the Fulladle plugin at the root of the project.

    plugins {
        id 'com.osacky.fulladle' version '0.17.4'
    plugins {
        id("com.osacky.fulladle") version "0.17.4"
  2. Configure the Fladle extension.

    fladle {
        serviceAccountCredentials = project.layout.projectDirectory.file("flank-gradle-service-account.json")
    fladle {


    If using buildFlavors or testing against a non default variant, you will need to specify the variant you want to test in the fulladleModuleConfig block.

  3. Run the tests. First assemble all your debug apks and test apks.

    ./gradlew assembleDebug assembleDebugAndroidTest


    When using flavors, make sure to assemble your buildVariants as well.

    ./gradlew :app:assembleFreeDebug :app:assembleFreeDebugAndroidTest

    Run Flank!

    ./gradlew runFlank

Overriding configurations in modules

Fulladle will pick Flank configurations from the fladle block in the root build.gradle file. You may want to override some of these configurations for certain modules, you can add the following block to any Android library module to override its configurations:

fulladleModuleConfig {
  clientDetails = [
      "test-type": "PR",
      "build-number": "132"
  maxTestShards = 3
  environmentVariables = [
      "clearPackageData": "true"
  debugApk = "app.apk"
  variant = "vanillaDebug"
fulladleModuleConfig {
    "test-type" to "PR",
    "build-number" to "132",
    "clearPackageData" to "true"

All of the above configurations are optional, Flank will default to the top-level configurations if you don't override anything here. For details about these configurations, refer to configuration docs.

Disabling a module

You may want to exclude a library module from testing when using Fulladle. You can do so by setting the enabled configuration in the module's fulladleModuleConfig block like so:

fulladleModuleConfig {
  enabled = false
fulladleModuleConfig {

Overriding root-level config

Fulladle does not provide the ability to control which module ends up as the root-level module or as an additional module. Either one of app modules or library modules can become a root-level module. If a library module ends up as a root-level module, it needs to specify a debugApk in its fladle or fulladleModuleConfig block.

The root-level configuration (e.g. maxTestShards) can also be overridden in the fulladleModuleConfig block of whatever module gets picked as the root module.


Fulladle might still have some rough edges, but we'd love feedback. Please join us in the Firebase Community Slack with any feedback you may have. You can also file Fladle Github issues.

When filing a bug report, please include the Flank version number, the Fladle version number and the output of the following:

./gradlew printYml

./gradlew runFlank -PdumpShards