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There are two authentication mechanisms for using Fladle.

It is recommended to use user authentication on local development machines to avoid sharing credentials and a service account on CI.

User authentication

Credentials are stored in ~/.flank.

  1. ./gradlew flankAuth
  2. Sign in to web browser.
  3. Specify projectId in fladle configuration
  4. ./gradlew runFlank

Service account credentials

  1. Create a service account. Service accounts aren't subject to spam checks or captcha prompts, which could otherwise block your CI builds. Create a service account with an Editor role in the Google Cloud Platform console.

  2. Enable required APIs. After logging in using the service account: In the Google Developers Console API Library page, enable the Google Cloud Testing API and Cloud Tool Results API. To enable these APIs, type these API names into the search box at the top of the console, and then click Enable API on the overview page for that API.

  3. After creating the account go to Keys, click Add Key -> Create a new Key. Select JSON for the key type. This will download the json credentials.

  4. Configure the Fladle extension serviceAccountCredentials to point to the credentials.

Above instructions are based on Google instruction for authenticating with CI.

See also Flank's instructions for authenticating with a service account.