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Error APK file not found

The app APK and the instrumentation APK are expected to have already been generated before calling runFlank. To generate APKs, run assembleDebug and assembleDebugAndroidTest before running runFlank.

You can also have Fladle build them for you by using the dependOnAssemble property.

No signature of method

If you receive an error like this, it is likely caused by invalid fladle extension confiuration. The syntax was changed in the 0.9.X releases in order to avoid touching files during the configuration phase.

No signature of method: flank_4vvjv7w3oopge32w1tl9cs6e4.fladle() is applicable for argument types: (flank_4vvjv7w3oopge32w1tl9cs6e4$_run_closure1) values: [flank_4vvjv7w3oopge32w1tl9cs6e4$_run_closure1@649a2315]
            Possible solutions: file(java.lang.Object), find(), findAll(), file(java.lang.Object, org.gradle.api.PathValidation), files([Ljava.lang.Object;), findAll(groovy.lang.Closure)

If you receive a similar error, please check configuration for a sample configuration.


./gradlew runFlank -PdumpShards Will dump shards and exit the process without running the tests.

./gradlew printYml Will print out the current yaml configuration to be passed to Flank.

More help?

Still having trouble? Check the #flank channel in the Firebase Community Slack